
Showing posts from September, 2021


Ketocycle is a ketogenic cycling diet. The human body goes through cycles in which it uses glucose (sugar) for energy. When you cycle keto, you … Original post here: Ketocycle

The AIP Diet

The AIP diet is a paleo diet. It was created by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, and it stands for the ‘autoimmune protocol. The diet was designed to assist individuals with autoimmune disorders in regaining their health and has been scientifically proven to work. The diet is based on evolutionary science and consists of eating foods that […] Original post here: The AIP Diet

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is a variety of diets that varies by country. There are also undertones of nutrition in the Mediterranean culture, making it a healthy way of life overall. One of the main things that are emphasized in this type of diet are all vegetables, fruits, whole grains, olive oil, and white wine. The […] Original post here: The Mediterranean Diet

Why Am I Not Losing Weight On Keto?

 Why am I not losing weight on keto? Are you sure your carb limit is right? Lots of people on a diet need to track everything they eat and make sure that the amount of carbs they eat during the day does not go over 20 grams. They also could be forgetting how much is […] Original post here: Why Am I Not Losing Weight On Keto?

Diet Soda On Keto?

Diet soda on keto? There is a lot of false information about keto and diet soda. It is important to know the facts. It can be done, but it needs to be carefully planned so that you don’t gain weight or get other side effects from drinking too much. The science of keto and diet […] Original post here: Diet Soda On Keto?

Keto can I have cheat days?

Keto can I have cheat days? It depends on your definition of a cheat day. You have to have moderation while trying to get into ketosis. If one day lets you eat all the junk food that you want but also keep up with your program, then go for it! But if one day makes […] Original post here: Keto can I have cheat days?


Flexitarian Diet. Recently, people in North America have become interested in flexitarianism. This is the practice of eating vegetarian or vegan food once or twice a week. Flexitarians usually eat meat or fish. People on this diet cannot eat dairy products or eggs but they can eat honey and gelatin.  is an option for people […] Original post here: Flexitarianism

What Are The Benefits And Risks Of The Keto Diet?

Benefits And Risks Of The Keto Diet. People in the West are eating a lot of high-fat food. Scientists think this leads to weight loss, low insulin levels and reduced inflammation. This article talks about whether that is true or not. The ketogenic diet is a way of eating that has high fat, adequate protein, […] Original post here: What Are The Benefits And Risks Of The Keto Diet?

What Is The Dash Diet

This is a meal plan for someone on the Dash diet. There are many ideas for how to prepare different foods that will keep you from getting bored with eating the same thing every day. The low sodium, low fat, and no cholesterol diet has 170 grams of RDA which equals 2000 calories per day. […] Original post here: What Is The Dash Diet

The South Beach Diet

South Beach Diet The South Beach Diet is a popular diet for losing weight. It has some similarities with the Atkins diet, but it also limits certain food. The South Beach Diet limits simple carbohydrates like white bread and pasta that are bad for your waistline. The South Beach Diet is a diet that says […] The post The South Beach Diet first appeared on . Original post here: The South Beach Diet

The Paleo Diet | paleo diet

The Paleo Diet Are you just getting started with the diet or have you been following it for a while? Whatever stage of the paleo diet that you’re in, here are some tips to help out. I’m going to be honest, the first time I heard about the paleo diet it sounded ridiculous. This is […] The post The Paleo Diet | paleo diet first appeared on . Original post here: The Paleo Diet | paleo diet